Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Muscle Growth Tips - Best Way To Do Squats

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Squat Performance...
The best way to learn how to squat properly is to have an experienced lifter (not some pencil-necked 'trainer' employed by most gyms around these days, who are generally even frightened of performing concentration curls, never mind squatting) to instruct you. Failing that, you will have to refer to magazine articles or other literature. In a nutshell, this is how you should squat to put maximum stress on the thigh muscles; this is known as the 'high-bar' or 'bodybuilding' squat.

1) First, have a bar set up on a set of squat-racks at shoulder height, loaded with the desired poundage. Grasp the bar with your hands, perhaps six inches or so outside your shoulder width, and duck your head under the bar, and allow it to rest across your trapezius muscles on your upper back, across your shoulder girdle, in a position that feels comfortable for you. Position your feet facing very slightly outward to the side, about shoulder width apart.

2) Do not let the bar rest too low down your back, or more of the stress will be transferred to your lower back and glutei (buttocks) - this is the powerlifting-style squat, and together with a wider than usual stance, allows better leverage for moving heavy weights, but affords less training stress to the thighs.

3) Once the bar is in a comfortable position, consciously tighten the muscles in your legs and back, and lift the bar from the racks, keeping erect, and not allowing yourself to bend forward, or curve your lower back forward.

4) Fix your eyes on a point on the wall in front of you at eye-level, and keep focused on this point as you descend into the squat.

5) Squat down, keeping your lower back flat, and head up, until your thighs reach parallel to the floor, or just below parallel.

6) Then, without bouncing at the bottom of the movement, drive upwards until you are stood erect. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Stiff-leg Deadlift Performance...
The hamstrings (or leg-biceps) are the muscles situated at the back of your thigh, and are very important both in terms of leg strength/stability, and to the appearance of the leg as a whole, and so should not be neglected in your training. A big difference in the strength of your hamstrings to your quads can mean nasty injuries in e.g. when performing the squat, so don't neglect those leg-bis!!

The stiff-leg deadlift is a very important hamstring exercise if done correctly and, along with the seated and standing leg-curl, will greatly develop this muscle group. The best way to perform this exercise is in a style dubbed 'Keystones' by Dr. Fred Hatfield PhD, who has squatted over 1000 pounds in the past, and so knows a thing or two about leg training, as you might guess.

If you've ever seen the Keystone Cops, the relevance of the name to the stance you must adopt will be obvious. Basically, stand erect in front of a barbell loaded with a suitable weight, and lift the weight as if you are doing a conventional deadlift, keeping your head up and lower back flat. To begin the Keystones, while standing erect with the weight in your hands, bend the legs slightly whilst keeping a strong inward curve to your lower back, and sticking your rear-end out as far as you can (- sounds funny but this really works!!). Then bend forward at the waist, keeping your legs very slightly bent with your knees just unlocked. Return to an upright position.

If you are doing this right, you should feel an incredible stretch in your hamstrings on lowering the weight, and in the position described you should not be able to let the weight drop below mid-shin i.e. you will not be able to lower it all the way to the floor. If you can, then you are allowing you're lower back to round out, and are risking injury. This exercise works the hamstrings to the limit, if done properly. The weight you use for your work sets will vary depending on you're strength level, but always warm-up with a lighter weight first!!

Mick Hart - Hardcore bodybuilder - Offers Expert Muscle Growth Tips and training, exercises and routines. Author of bodybuilding magazine "The No Bull Collection". Training Advice and Muscle Building Workouts to help develop SAFE huge muscles.

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Muscle Building Tips For Extreme Muscle Growth

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In this article I'm going to give you some great tips on how to build muscle. They are all easy, and best of all, you can start doing them today. If you follow these tips you will see some great muscle growth. My body is proof that these tips work well.

But before I give them to you, I want to give you a piece of advise.

Millions of people every year struggle to get the body they want. It's not their fault, there is a lot of misinformation out there. A lot of people are just trying to sell their supplements to you.

They don't care if you see results, in fact, the less results you see, the better for them. If you don't see results you'll probably buy more products from them.

My advise? Save your money and time, don't bother with supplements out there, most of them are just trying to take your money.

Are you ready now for my muscle building tips? Once again, these give great results, and you can start doing them today, so I would suggest you pay attention.

First, start doing one hundred push ups before going to sleep each night. This not only works out your body, it puts you body in an anabolic state right before you sleep, causing more muscle growth while you sleep.

Second, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Your body builds muscle while you are asleep, not while you are awake.

Third, use lighter weights, too many people use weights that are way to large and end up barely seeing any results. This is because their form is horrible. If you want good results, make sure you work out properly.

Just follow these basic muscle building tips, you'll see results in no time.

Want To Learn More Ways To Build Muscle Fast?

If you want more specific help, want a good routine to follow, or heck, just want to learn all you need to know about building muscle, check out my free videos at my website on how to Build Muscle Fast.

Want to be building mass amounts of muscle in the next few weeks? Click on to my website at http://massmusclequickly.com/!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Gain Weight in 10 Days

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Get Rid of Your Flabby Arms Now! A Few Quick 'N Easy Exercises to Tone Your Arms

Jude Angelo
Level: Platinum

Jude Angelo is a exercise and strength conditioning expert who reviews popular muscle-building programs. He is a regular at his local gym, and enjoys encouraging ... Article Word Count: 396

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Get Big Now! Advice for the Hard-Gainer Who Wants More Muscle

Jude Angelo
Level: Platinum

Jude Angelo is a exercise and strength conditioning expert who reviews popular muscle-building programs. He is a regular at his local gym, and enjoys encouraging ... Article Word Count: 379

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The Truth About Six Pack Abs Review: The Right Guide For You

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They always say that a person's health can define him as an individual. Health does not only show the way you take good care of your fitness and health, but it also gives the impression on the way you lead your life as a whole. If you want to learn more about healthy living and achieving a physique you can surely be proud of, then reading The Truth About Six Pack Abs review is something you should do.

Having a lean physique and better body figure can exude confidence and self-assurance. This enables you to face everyday challenges without holding back. With the great confidence brought to you by having a perfect figure, you can fully give your efficiency at work and in dealing with other people. Through reviews that you can find all over the internet, you can asses if this highly-acclaimed program is truly beneficial. From here, you will know that almost all people have problems concerning weight and body figure.

With this common dilemma, one focus of this program is the reduction of unnecessary fats within the body. Too much fat in the system is something we should never disregard when talking of our health. Our figure is sometimes the basis of other people when judging us. Having big and plump shape sometimes gives negative impression to other people.

Also, people having undesirable flab all over their body often fail to find good jobs. Some company owner won't see a person with bulging body to be useful. This notion could be judgmental, but if you think closely, there is a point to this. If you are an employer, you will of course hire someone who you think can be more productive and profitable for you company, especially if this entails more of physical tasks.

For this reason, all of must be mindful about our weight, figure and overall health. Also, you can show to other people that you are responsible in taking good care of yourself, and thus avoid false thoughts and beliefs about you.

Glimpsing at The Truth About Six Pack Abs review, you encounter valuable facts and updates that are presented in a comprehensive and concise manner. You will know more about this program that constitutes good diet and nutrition, body training, and other relevant concepts in keeping the body fit and healthy at all times. Find out that there are effective ways of achieving a better life for as long as you know how to set your priorities.

If you are thinking of availing a program to help you stay fit and healthy, you have to read first The Truth About Six Pack Abs review. Click on the link to visit our site.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Why Build Your Muscles The Natural Way

Knut Ofstbo
Level: Platinum

Knut Ofstbo is a Norwegian blogger and freelance writer that writes about his own experience and interests.Article Word Count: 504

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Six Steps to 6 Pack Abs

1. Do more cardio
The secret to getting visible, i.e. defined, abs is to do more cardio! There is no point having great abdominal muscles if they are covered by a layer of fat. If you want to show off your abs then you need to drop the body fat down to single digit figures. I suggest doing 3-4 sessions of cardio per week in addition to your weights regime. For more information on cardio see the "fat loss" section.
2. Improve your diet
This follows on from point one. To help you get those abs on show you need to repair your diet and start eating clean. If you cut out the junk food and up the protein you will be taking big steps towards getting a 6-pack. It may be worth while trying a fat-burning supplement to really help you melt the fat off. For sample diets see the "fat loss/nutrition plan".
3. Lift bigger weights
Compound exercises (ones that recruit a lot of muscles) i.e. squat, deadlift and bench press are great moves when trying to improve your abs. These exercises torch calories which means, when coupled with a good diet, fat burn!
4. Don't do 100's of sit-ups
Too many people go mental when it comes to working abs. It is a common misconception that to get good abs you need to do hundreds of sit-ups, crunches etc. If you were trying to get bigger arms would you do 100 reps? No! Treat your abs like any other muscle and select exercises where you can only do 10-12 reps. For example, hanging knee raises, weighted crunches, jack-knives are challenging abs moves which are great for torching the abs. To see a great abs workout which I created, check the workouts on the muscle-gain page and select "Abs Blast".
5. Rest
Resting your abs is as important as resting any other muscle group. Do not hit your abs every single workout. Allow at least 48 hours recovery time between each abs workout.
6. Use proper form
Do not let your form go out of the window when doing abs. Use nice, slow, controlled movements and squeeze your abs at the top of each movement.

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Top Three Exercises to Build Muscle Fast

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The best three exercises they'll help a person build muscle fast are the Bench Press, Squats and Dead Lifts. These particular three exercises are definitely the grand dads of large muscle mass and the anchor of any kind of excellent exercise routine simply because they work much more rather than one muscle set at a given time. Think of it, if you're working several muscles concurrently, just how much time do you consider you'll need in the gym? Yes, the greater muscle groups a person include in an physical exercise, the less time you've got to focus on every muscle separately, Which means you build muscle FASTER!

What exactly are Compound Exercises?

You will find essentially two kinds of exercises, compound exercise and isolation exercises. Formally, compound exercises move the body through more than one joint movement when isolation exercises move the body through a single joint movement. Quite simply, compound exercises cause you to make use of several muscles at the same time.

Whenever an individual uses the bench press, they will use their chest, shoulders AND triceps as a whole. With squats, you use your quadriceps, hams, calves, butt, back AND abs. In contrast, if you performed chest flyes, you would just be working your chest. Or, if you simply did leg extensions, you would just be focusing on your quad muscles. Compound exercises provide you probably the most return by making the most of your time in the gym. Instead of doing 6 exercises to target your quadriceps, hams, calf muscles, butt, lats AND ab muscles, you could simply do squats. Just how much time do you believe that will save you?

Additional Compound Exercises

1. Chin ups - These focus on your lats and bis.
2. Leg Presses - These focus on your quadriceps, hams and butt (if you drive out of your heels).
3. Military Presses - These focus on every three heads in your shoulder (the front, center and back).
4. Any kind of exercise on a Bosu Ball - A Bosu ball is strange exercise ball that appears as if it had been cut in half and includes a portion of plastic material on it. By using this with the half ball face down causes you to make use of your core (ab muscles and back) to support yourself. Do these to develop a ripped 6 pack when you perform a few standing bicep curls.

And finally, if you are interested in how to build muscle fast, please check out Build Muscle Fast repository at http://www.ebuildmusclefast.com.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Build Lean Muscle Fast

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Building Muscle Comes from a balanced protein and carbohydrate intake. If you are trying to gain muscle you should eat foods like Fish, lean chicken, Roast and Eggs. You should also increase your carbohydrate intake. Some kinds of carbohydrates are bread and pasta. Weight training is a good technique to use as well. If you work out at least 3 days out of the week on a consistent basis results will vary. Building muscle relies on the amount of calories you intake. More Calories equals more weight. Gaining lean muscle doesn't come over night this does take time and hard work.

The first Step in building muscle is to come up with a work out and eating plans. You always have to remember that muscles don't grown while you work out but when you rest. You should come up with a work out plan and be consistent with it. Remember to rest your muscles so they will grow properly. The most effective way to do this technique is to do Calisthenics or Compound exercises. This consist of push ups, pull ups, dips and crunches. Start off with weight that is comfortable for you and once this becomes to easy add more weight. The most important fact about weight training is muscle stress. Always give your muscles time to rest in order to grow.

The Second step is to come up with a weight gaining diet. You have to eat a lot and your protein intake has to increase as well. You should eat about six meals a day. These meals should include protein and carbohydrates. You should also increase your calories intake. Eat a lot of lean meats and this will work out perfectly.

If you're looking to gain lean muscle mass start weight training today. Increase your food intake and stay consistent. This does take hard work and dedication, so if you want it you have to go get it. Just be confident and you will succeed!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Six Pack Abs Program - Learn the Secrets to Getting Attractive Abs

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Anyone who works out, enjoys the beach, or just wants a nice body predominantly looks at six pack abs as an essential part to looking good. Many people have their abs come easy to them; others have to work really hard not only on their workout routine but their diet as well. To some people it is one of the hardest things to do. Many people have the upper body muscle but struggle to pull off the visual abs which really puts some people down especially those who work on them every day.

Anyone can browse free web articles for a six pack abs program all day but none of them are going to work every time and every person requires a different routine. A good routine will show you a good workout plan that doesn't take all day, doesn't require drugs, and doesn't require any expensive and needless supplements.

If you weren't aware, it is a fact that over 90% of supplements do not work. This doesn't mean they do absolutely nothing, it is just saying that they don't do much for you and is a waste of your money. Supplement companies' put so much hype towards their products that they make them seem so much better than they actually are. Using famous athletes and body builders to promote the supplement makes it seem so essential to have it. The truth is, you need a specific routine that suits you and is pretty much natural. This routine should not include drugs or any supplements except for a few minor exceptions. It should consist of a natural diet and a consistent workout routine that isn't too long and tiring.

Pay close attention here-

Take a few minutes to read the next page and you'll learn how to be build muscle and have the body you've always wanted. I urge you to read everything on the next page right now - Click here

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Lose Stomach Fat Update

Ted Sikkink
Level: Platinum

Ted Sikkink, is an ex music industry executive and is very much into photography, music, fashion, food & wine, art, information research and is a ... Article Word Count: 570

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Body Building and DHEA

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Since the early days of body building, people trying to increase lean muscle mass have endlessly searched for medical solutions in order to do so. Thousands of muscle building and weight gain supplements have been introduced to the market with insignificant proof of effectiveness. Heavily marketed in fitness magazines and local vitamin stores, the ads always show overly huge bodybuilders in unnatural proportions. THE TRUTH - Extreme muscle growth can only be provided by anabolic steroids. It is estimated that 85% of muscle building products sold are purchased by novice body builders trying to gain in size.

So what IS clinically proven to work? Recent clinical research by some of the world's top scientist have identified a hormone known as DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) as a legal supplement that can help add pounds of lean muscle while simultaneously reducing fat.

DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone in the body which is the precursor to the sex hormones testosterone and estrogen. As the adrenal glands start to age, the natural production of DHEA in the body begins to weaken. Along with dropping levels of DHEA, most people begin to gain belly fat, lose muscle mass, and experience a diminished libido. This phenomenon has led to numerous university sponsored clinical trials on the benefits of supplementation with a DHEA in order to gain muscle and burn fat.

A different recent clinical trial published in Clinical Endocrinology followed both men and women who were undergoing 100mg of DHEA supplementation over 6 months. The object of the clinical study was to measure changes in circulating sex hormones, muscle strength and over all body composition. The findings of this clinical study proved that DHEA can help reduce fat in men while building muscle and increasing strength. Women also showed improvements in lean muscle mass without any side effects.

Researchers conclude that DHEA supplementation works by increasing the levels of IGF-1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor). Natural releases of IGF-1 are what most body builders train for. The body naturally releases IGF-1 after long bouts of muscle hypertrophy. Supplementation with DHEA allows for increases in IGF-1 not only post workout, but during the critical muscle recovery period. Increased levels of IGF-1 also contribute to muscle building by improving protein synthesis. The findings of this research are important as it supports previous medical trials in which DHEA was also proven to burn fat, increase lean muscle mass and even boost kick your sex drive into high gear.

If lean muscle growth is what you are looking for, DHEA supplementation is the best place to start as clinical research would suggest. Do not be victim of magazine ads showing a 300lb steroid filled bodybuilder claiming he packed on the muscle with some sort of over the counter product. If such products worked, then every person trying to pack on lean muscle would look like that.

As always, diet and exercise is critical to any fitness goals. Consult your doctor before starting muscle building program.

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Packing On The Muscle - How to Quickly Build Muscles Without Surgery

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Physique constructing physical exercise, of course, is the very best method to do away with the calories and burn fat. It's the very best solution that may assist a person with regards to packing on muscle mass fat. Exercising is as a result a fantastic step that 1 ought to think about so as to reside a wholesome life that's totally free of diseases and tension. The sacred guidelines have significantly helped people in losing fat and in maintaining the suggested physique fat.

These guidelines state that a person ought to at least consider food five times within a day right after each 3 or two hours. This really is simply because 1 has to maintain his or her program full of amino acid and glycogens which are nutrients got from foods which are wealthy in proteins and from carbs too. In the event you would like to facilitate the development of the muscle tissues to the extreme ranges, you should make sure that you consider proteins in big quantities and carry out physique constructing practices frequently. In the event you don't eat as it's needed of you, starvation might come in and thus your physique will probably be forced to consume the muscle mass tissue and this may not bring about any progress to your health.

You ought to be ready to center your bodybuilding program in a large compound movements for instance the presses and squats. By doing this you will probably be in a position to aim for efficiency effort and operate a number of muscle tissues with a couple of sets. Squats are in a position to train one's squads and they also train the lower back as a result direct operate for the muscle tissues that help throughout this physical exercise is minimal. This really is fantastic simply because it leaves much more on the recovery capability that assists within the development procedure when 1 is resting.

An additional essential thing to note is that you simply ought to not carry out greater than thirty exercise sets throughout any exercise, less exercise is usually very best whenever you wish to pack on the muscle mass fat. You ought to not train greater than two days consecutively simply because recovery period is essential for both the muscle tissues and also the entire nervous program. This really is so simply because when 1 takes a rest right after the physical exercise, the muscle tissues recover and this really is what facilitates their development. Numerous individuals ignore resting period not knowing that it's extremely essential for the muscle mass development.

With regards to packing on muscle mass fat, proteins are extremely important and it's suggested that you simply consider drinks which are wealthy in it instantly right after each coaching session for it to boost the insulin ranges and help in muscle mass protein synthesis. This may significantly lead to quicker development as you never expected. Breaks are also essential for the people who are involved in physique constructing activities. High intensity coaching for greater than four weeks calls for a break which ought to either consider 1 week and gives room for complete recuperation which in most instances promotes new development spurt. Make sure that you maintain the cruise control on by all means for you to meet your goals and reside a happy life.

Learn the secrets in using your own body weight and the law of gravity to INCREASE your muscle mass as you strip away the unwanted fat. Click the link now to start - Packing On The Muscle

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Ectomorph Diet Plan - Effective Post Workout Diet For Rapid Weight Gain

Paul V. Strong
Level: Basic PLUS

My name is Paul. I have been into bodybuilding and powerlifting for over 15 years now. Unfortunately a series knee injury gave a stop to ... Article Word Count: 673

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

An Ectomoprhs Workout Plan

BySimon R PhilipsSimon R Philips
Level: Basic

I used to be a skinny guy and I absolutely hated my body, I tried all sorts of different workouts and routines but most were ... Article Word Count: 327

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Six Pack Abs Fast - Amazing 10 Minute Abs Workout That Gets Results

Charlie Mecham
Level: Platinum

Charlie believes in "Working Smarter, Not Harder," especially as it applies to fitness. He's been fighting the mainstream fitness industry for years, claiming that the ... Article Word Count: 420

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Unique Way of Muscle Building

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It is great to strengthen your abdominal muscles with great muscle-building workouts. The concept may appear simple, but you need determination, patience and time if you need tips on how to get six pack. But in the end, it is worth the effort! Getting success from muscle building programs that focus on how to get six pack comprises losing fat and building muscle. You can achieve success with most muscle building workouts by dieting and exercising daily. You may have have a good muscular tone, but it will not show with a thick a muscle layer over it. Read on to get the full gist.

First, make sure you do crunches. Lie on the floor, with your arm in front of your chest, or with your arms slightly touching your temples, not behind your head though. Bend your knees and raise your shoulders towards your knees, using your abdominal muscles. Do not lift your whole back from the floor, so you do not have a back strain. Do not let your head touch the ground.

Do leg lifts. Lie on the floor, your legs should be straight out and your hands by your sides. Lift your legs straight up, not bending your knees, until they are about 90 degrees. Lower your legs and repeat the process, without letting your legs touch the floor. Using a piece of equipment makes it easier as you will just need to raise your knees to your chest.

You can as well do static holds to get 6 pack. Put your body in the push up position with your elbows on the floor, while your whole body lies flat. This is one of the muscle building programs that will train your core, and your abs, to hold the body in place. You can hold the position as long as possible, or for 45 seconds if you are a beginner. Finally, eat good muscle building diets rich in amino acids to really enhance your muscles. Off course, muscle building diets rich in amino acids like glutamine surely work wonders.

If you want more information, please click on:

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Get Big Muscles Fast - No Bull, Just Facts

Alexander C. Kent
Level: Platinum

Alex was once the skinny little boy who was the play thing of every bully. Now, he's the man!Article Word Count: 492

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How To Get Ripped - Want To Know How To Finally Get Ripped

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The most typical question asked by individuals at the fitness centers is how to get ripped? You can get sculpted but it cannot be done immediately. The ripped type of muscles can be attained only by doing hard work so you might as well know now so I am just being sincere with you.

Individuals have in their thoughts that with less calorie foods one can lessen weight and get a better body shape by simply doing that. You can decrease weight by having low calorie foods but you cannot get a correct body shape along with just this. You've got to understand the concept of frequent activity to obtain a beautiful physique.

Here are a few guidelines on how to get ripped:

1. Proper diet regime is vital to get ripped. All your eating routines should be properly followed. You should produce a chart in which you should consume not more than 2000 - 2500 gram calorie diet a day.

2. Do exercise routines three times a week along with cardio exercises every other day? You can have absolutely no exercises or routines on weekends but other than weekends do not take a rest from your workouts not even just one day. You cannot perform workouts at random, strategise your exercises.

3. Always target for 8 hours of sleep per night if not you need to sleep at least for six hours at night. Do not work out too much you may hurt your muscles. We understand that you need to work hard but be very careful.

4. Have a protein shake, it is very required and should usually try to dodge nutritional pills. It is best to operate in a natural way instead of getting all types of vitamin supplements.

5. There are also some body building supplements available for sale. These have elements like ephedra and ma huang or even caffeine. Some of the types of the supplements are shown below:

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Building Muscles Mass Fast - Are You Ready To Quit, Chicken?

Alexander C. Kent
Level: Platinum

Alex was once the skinny little boy who was the play thing of every bully. Now, he's the man!Article Word Count: 333

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review - Does It Really Work?

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Visual Impact Muscle Building is a very popular training program today.

In this Visual Impact Muscle Building review we will take a look at this program, see what you will find inside and talk about the pros and cons of this system.

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review - What Exactly Is It?

Created by Rusty Moore, an expert fitness consultant with many years of experience, the Visual Impact program is a 6 month muscle-building system designed to help you gaining muscle in a way that creates a sharp physique with hard, full muscles.

In his training program Rusty Moore uses a completely different approach to muscle-building than most of the other programs on the market today and his program is based on a detailed 3 phase plan.

According to Rusty Moore the main idea behind his 3 phase plan is that each phase "builds upon" the previous phase and by that creating a razor sharp physique by the end of the third and the last phase.

Now, to understand better what you can expect from Rusty Moore's muscle-building system lets talk about some of the pros and cons of this product.

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review - The Pros And Cons

The Pros

Very Comprehensive Program

Rusty Moore's program is very comprehensive and consists of the "Main Visual Impact Muscle Building" eBook, the "Exercise Demonstrations" guide and the "Printable Workout Charts".

In the main "Visual Impact Muscle Building" eBook, which is 72 pages guide, you will find the 3 phase plan and also learn advanced techniques for gaining muscle in a way that creates a sharp physique with hard, full muscles.

After the main eBook comes the "Exercise Demonstrations" guide which is very well organized 227 pages eBook with many helpful photos and step by step directions on how to perform each one of the exercises.

The last eBook is the "Printable Workout Charts" which is a printer friendly version of each phase of the program that will help you to track your progress during the program.

Teaches How To Get Lean Hollywood Look And Not Puffy Looking Muscles

Many programs that supposed to help you to build muscles focus on gaining as much muscle as you can. The big problem of this kind of programs is that as a result of them a lot of those gains will happen in spots that will make your body look less attractive.

The Visual Impact Muscle Building program consists from a 3 phase plan that will help you to build muscle strategically and by following the exact plan you can learn exactly what needs to be done to get this lean and appealing Hollywood Look.

Full Money Back Guarantee For 60 Days

The Visual Impact Muscle Building program by Rusty Moore is backed by 60 days of full money back guarantee and if for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the results of this product, you will get all of your money back.

The Cons

More For Men Than For Women

The main downside of Rusty Moore's training program is that it is mainly geared toward men and much less towards women.
With that being said, women can still get value from this program, but it will be recommended for them to adjust the phases to insure that they are not gaining too much muscle.

Commitment And Dedication Are Mandatory

One of the most important things to remember about the Visual Impact Muscle Building program is the fact that this is not a "magic pill" and this program does require a lot of commitment and dedication on your part.

If you really want to get the best results from the program you will need to stick to the elements of Rusty Moore's 3 phase muscle-building plan and truly dedicate yourself to improving.
If you are looking for an easy way to gain muscle then this system is probably not for you.

Visual Impact Muscle Building Review - The Bottom Line

Overall, the Visual Impact program offers very unique approach and this is a very good program for anyone who wants to build lean muscles and to get long lasting results.

However, don't forget that this program is not a magic pill and you must be focused and disciplined to get the best results from this program.

I Hope that this Visual Impact Muscle Building review was helpful for you and I wish you the best!

Are you ready to find out if Visual Impact Muscle Building is really the best program for you? Visit http://www.dgipoolproducts.com/visual-impact-muscle-building-by-rusty-moore-the-real-truth, get a free and in-depth report about this product and learn how you can get the complete system at the lowest price available today!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Fat Burning Foods to Build Muscle - Can You Really Build Muscles By Eating The Right Foods?

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Losing weight is no easy task, but building muscles is even harder. There's a lot that comes into play during muscle building and you need to incorporate every single one of them in order to develop toned muscles over time. Aside from regular workouts, you should also focus on good diet to speed up the process.

Selecting the right kind of foods is important in reaching your goal. The good news is that information is much more readily available nowadays and all it takes is access to the internet. If you don't know what exactly to incorporate in your diet, take a look and discover foods that can spur your metabolism for a well-formed body.


This isn't exactly news to you, but in case you don't know it yet, vegetables are a potent food group that can help tone your muscles. For one, they don't contain many calories and they almost have zero fat contents. And when you factor in the protein, minerals, and vitamins in them, you are looking at one of the best muscle-building diet around.

The best way to eat vegetables is by eating them raw. Do not overcook them in order to avoid losing their inherent nutrients. In fact, you can save time and money if you simply cut them and serve them as a salad alongside your main dish. Make sure you don't put white dressings that have high mayonnaise fat content because it defeats the purpose of losing weight in the first place. When doing your grocery, make sure you have ample supply of root vegetables, celery, cabbage, broccoli, and peppers.


You heard the doctors say that if only humans learn to eat more fruits every day, we live a lot longer than the usual average life span in the country. And this is true. Fruits contain the most pure nutrients that nourish the different systems in the body. And the best part is that they are almost fat-free, which means they won't get in the way of your weight loss goals even when you eat a lot of fruits.

The best thing about fruits is that they contain high amounts of fiber which is needed in firing up the metabolic functions in your body and removing fatty wastes out of it. Berries are especially helpful because of their oxidizing effect on the body. Apples and avocados are also excellent sources of fiber so make sure you eat plenty of them in a week.

Turkey meat

Let's face it: unless you have the uncanny discipline of a vegetarian, you will always be tempted to consume too much meat. This causes imbalance in your diet which, in turn, results to weight gain. But there are meats that have considerably lower amounts of calories than the rest. One of them is the turkey.

Yes, a turkey is not only a good choice for thanksgiving, but is generally recommended even on ordinary days. The good thing about turkey is that it has an amino acid which strengthens the muscles in the body even during rapid weight loss. The result is heightened metabolism and muscle formation.

Right Knowledge

You see there is a lot of misconception and false information on muscle building. Some information that you read online is plain garbage that even backfire on you. So it is very important for you to have the right knowledge from the right sources to achieve the body you always dreamt of. I have compiled the best information from experts on muscle building and I am offering it for free.


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Enhancing Performance With Muscle Building Supplements

Chris Kennelly
Level: Platinum

Chris Kennelly writes part time, to assist others in the field, I have worked closely with talkinmince article directory.Article Word Count: 418

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Proper Nutrition Is Essential for Six Pack Abs

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A common thought on trimming that oversized midsection is isolating it with abdominal workouts to target belly fat. Many of us may have believed at one point that endless ab crunches, rigorous weightlifting, or running for hours on the treadmill will remove the undesired spare tire or love handles, only to be disappointed by little-to-no favorable results. What's going on here?

Well, we may have been focusing our primary attention in the wrong area; too much emphasis on the workout, and not enough concern with proper nutrition. "What then," you ask, "should I eat to get the six pack abs I've always wanted?" Here are some valuable pointers for you! First off, with SO MANY dieting strategies out there, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed. Therefore, I will keep the focus on the fundamentals. With even a minimal effort from you, these tips, once put into practice, will start to show you the positive results you want.

Here are some special guidelines for a new, sexy core!

The first tip is NOT to overeat! This seems self-evident, but basically many people have a tendency to eat until they are STUFFED, slowing down the digestive system's ability to recognize just how much food you consumed. It can actually takes up to twenty minutes for your stomach to "catch up!" It takes some discipline, but you just refrain from having that second heaping helping BEFORE you feel full. In doing so, you allow your body to realize that you've actually eaten enough, thereby significantly cutting calories.

The second tip is increased water intake. Fifteen minutes PRIOR to eating, it is an excellent rule of thumb to have one or more full glasses of water. It will literally fill up your stomach more quickly, so you won't feel such a need to fill up on a lot of excess food that your body probably doesn't need. And, of course, no one will argue the overall health benefits of proper hydration and increased fluid intake.

Third tip - BOOST your metabolic rate and BURN more calories by consuming lighter portion sizes MORE frequently during the day. Basically, your body is either a fat-burning, or fat-storing machine - the higher the metabolism, the stronger the machine, and the MORE fat it can burn off! "Three squares" bogs down the machine, while more smaller meals fuels the machine and helps it reach it's full fat-burning capacity.

Obviously exercise is still very important. But tip four REALLY benefits your workout efforts TREMENDOUSLY! Eat less packaged and processed foods, and GO FRESH! This simple tip is probably the most overlooked, and quite possible the MOST IMPORTANT guideline for you to follow for trimming that midsection. Canned and prepackaged food tend to have a TON of preservatives. Keep in mind, though - fresh is not necessarily "raw."

Cooking fresh meats and veggies is certainly okay! But avoid those "ready-made" frozen, boxed, and canned meals whenever possible. They are generally LOADED with preservatives, additives, processed and artificial chemicals. Look at the ingredients sometime. Chances are, if you CAN'T pronounce it... it's probably NOT good for you! I cannot emphasis this point enough - you will shed more body fat, by burning more calories... and you will burn more calories, by consuming healthy, FRESH foods!

More about six pack abs nutrition.

Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to man and women who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs to become lean and toned, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol at bay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of "Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep" at http://www.turbofitnesssecrets.com.

Please don't forget to check out my website, as you can get a free copy of my book "Simple Foods That Burn Fat While You Sleep".

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Weight Training Frequency - How Much Rest Do You Need Between Workouts

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A common question that new bodybuilders ask is "how often should i train a particular muscle?"

Well the answer to that question could be based on a few things.

What kind of shape are you currently in? Because if your not in very good shape then you can't train a muscle very hard. But if your not in good shape then you would train more frequently, you train easy but also more frequently. As you get in better shape you can pick up the intensity of your training.

As you pick up the intensity of your training, it means your training harder and your going to be more sore after workouts, which means your going to need a longer recovery time.

If you were to train your chest on Monday, typically you need 48-72 hours of rest for recovery on that muscle (depending on how hard you train) So if you train your chest on a Monday, you should be resting that muscle group until Wednesday or Thursday. This gives the muscle time to repair itself and also helps in the growing process. If you train the same muscle group everyday then you are just wasting your time in the gym and you will be getting zero results. The resting process is very important. the next time your in the gym, ask one of the big guys how much rest they have between muscle groups and they will tell you the same thing.

If you're looking for more great muscle building tips then visit our website


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How to Build Big Muscles Fast - The Fast and Easy Way

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If you want to build big muscles, it is not going to be easy. But I don't want to discourage you, I want to challenge you.

In order for you to get that goal of building big muscles you have to know the right way of doing it. Keep in mind that doing repetitive, simple exercises is not enough. what you need is to do exercises that targets certain muscle groups.

In order for you to build big muscles you have to follow some steps, mainly as guides. For newbie body or muscle builder, you can start with simple bench presses, barbells exercises, squats, overhead press or dumbbell press.

For the next level up newbies, they can do exercises that focus on specific muscle group. Expect that there will be some exercises that will not produce the desired result. If this happens to you, change it. You can try a different exercise that gives you some good outcome.

Before doing any kind of exercises, you should always always warm up. It is advisable to have a trainer if you are new to all this. For warm ups, you can start by lifting light weights or machines or treadmills. After a few days, you may start with the heavier ones. 12 or more repetitions on a single type of exercise is not recommended. You will not build big muscles if you do so.

There will be times, after a few weeks of exercising the heavy stuff, that you will feel like quitting. You muscles are aching, sore and you feel down. You must not quit! If you stop then, the muscle growth will not continue. Remember that to build muscles, it must feel stressed. Allowing it to stop and relax will stop it from building.

Remember to drink plenty of water to keep your body replenished and hydrated. You will feel weak and lose all the energy after every exercise. You should rest. Take plenty of time to rest. If you must know, when you sleep well, muscle will grow and develop. Yes, this is while you are calm, relax and sleeping.

The bad thing that could happen when doing this effective training is that some end up with muscle injuries. Doing heavy weight will overstrain the muscles hence the injury. This is also due to poor performance of the exercises. This is why you should be initially accompanied by a good trainer and you should also be careful.

So anyway, the tips presented here will definitely help you get to your goal to build big muscles. If you follow this by the T and religiously you will be there in no time! Check out http://How To Build Muscles Today.com for interesting info and motivational things to help you going. Just follow the link and follow it.

Learn more how to build muscles the safe, fast and easy way!

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

3 Super Easy Tips To Build Up Muscles Fast and Quick If You Start Tomorrow

Sean Matthew
Level: Platinum

I am the Master Dater! I will be sharing with you some tips that I use personally to date a couple of girls a night!Article Word Count: 357

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This Is The Reason Why Your Chest Isn't Getting Any Bigger

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Your pectorals (chest) are the largest muscle group in your body and therefore should be worked harder than any of your body parts. The chest can handle tons more weight than your biceps even though you hold weights in your hands. If you feel you are not getting the results you should be, this is why:

You need tons of energy to get a proper chest workout.

As I mentioned before, your chest in the biggest muscle group in your body. Every chest workout should be by itself or at least at the beginning of the workout. If you plan on doing something before your chest workout such as biceps or triceps then you will lose testosterone and energy and won't get nearly as good of a chest workout.

You are wasting your time on pointless exercises.

The chest is a big group and therefore requires tiring exercises. The best way to start out is by doing either flat bench press or flat chest press. Do three sets of either and then move onto incline. Same deal, either incline bench press or incline chest press. It is now time to do another three sets. Decline bench is optional, if you feel you have the time and energy then feel to jump right into it. Afterwards, it is time to do some inwards flies. That sums up mostly everything for your chest workout.

Are you building or toning?

If you want that big chest that sticks out, go for low reps (6-8) with higher weight. If you want smaller toned pectoral muscles, then go with a lower weight and more reps (15-20). Most people do more weight and less reps, but if you need to tone out then get that done and over with first.

Pay close attention here-

Take a few minutes to read the next page and you'll learn how to be build muscle and have the body you've always wanted. I urge you to read everything on the next page right now - Click here.

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Muscle Building Supplements - All You Need To Know About Nitric Oxide Supplements

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Muscle building supplements are well known among bodybuilders. In fact, it is so well known that the best ones bodybuilders call NO which is short for nitric oxide. Still, there are so many people who are not aware of what these supplements are, when in fact, nitric oxide is actually present in the body.

This is a chemical compound that, as stated earlier, is naturally present in the body. The supplements contain L-Arginine which stimulates nitric oxide in the body.

Nitric oxide helps widen blood vessels to increase the blood flow in the body. With an increase in blood flow, the vitamins and nutrients are quickly delivered to the other parts of the body.

What you can get from muscle building supplements

There are many benefits to using and taking supplements but the most evident are rapid muscle growth, increase in stamina and endurance and added strength to the body during workouts. These benefits are mostly felt during strenuous workouts so that you get optimized results.

Bodybuilders take the supplement because they perform harder exercises which include the use of weights. They can get tired and sore easily even after a few rounds. This is because muscles get torn when they are forced to do something strenuous like exercise. It needs to recover so that the soreness will be gone.

With the implementation of muscle building supplements, muscles are able to recover faster and the cells are renewed. With the increase in blood flow, nutrients are delivered at a faster rate making the muscles recover at a faster rate. Bodybuilders can now continue without easily getting tired and even add more repetitions to their regimen.

Side effects

Even though these are considered natural supplements, it can still leave possible side effects on the user. Since nitric oxide is already produced by the body, there is no need to take huge doses of supplements. Users should take just enough to stimulate the levels of nitric oxide in the body. There is also a recommended dosage on the bottle that one should follow. It is also advisable to visit and ask a doctor before taking the supplements.

You should take note that the supplements are not miracle workers. So if you are thinking of using it and skipping exercise, then it won't work at all. It is the secret of most bodybuilders but to get that kind of body, you will also need to put in some effort and dedication. Exercise coupled with nitric oxide supplements can help you achieve your goal rapidly.

Here is the #1 solution for Muscle Building Supplements just click here now

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Muscle Building Supplements - How To Get Bigger and Recover Faster With No Side Effects

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Nitric oxide is a chemical compound that is naturally present in the body. Bodybuilders take muscle building supplements to increase the level of this because it has been proven to increase blood flow and quicken muscle gain.

This acts as the vasodilator, meaning it widens the blood vessels. The increase in blood flow gets the nutrients and the oxygen delivered to the muscles at a rapid rate. This allows for a quicker recovery and renewal of muscles thus enabling the bodybuilder to keep on going even past the usual rate he can do.

The level that is present in the body already does something during workouts and it promotes healthy blood circulation. The supplements which contain L-Arginine further stimulate this and allow the body to produce more nitric oxide.

muscle building supplements work pretty much the same way as steroids do. The wrestlers that you often see on TV take steroids to increase their muscle mass. The downside of steroids is they are harmful and carry plenty of unwanted side effects. These supplements are safer to take.

The Advantages of muscle building Supplements:

#1 Rapid increase in muscle mass
#2 Increase in blood flow allowing for nutrient delivery to muscles
#3 Increase of repetitions during workouts
#4 Increase in stamina and endurance during workouts
#5 Faster recovery in muscles

When people exercise, a certain pain is felt because the muscles are torn when it is worked out. This is mostly felt during the first few days of exercise but eventually goes away. It depends on the recovery rate of the muscles. By taking supplements, the muscles are still torn but it is now able to recover quickly and renew itself because it gets the nutrients at a much faster rate. This results in better and longer workouts

Why take nitric oxide supplements? Aside from the benefits mentioned earlier, there are other reasons why nitric oxide supplements should be added to the daily diet. Nitric oxide is naturally produced in the body, yes but the production levels go down once people reach old age. If it were produced in adequate levels, then everybody would have gotten their dream body. One sign of a deficiency is fatigue. If people easily get tired, then they may be lacking in nitric oxide.

The nitric oxide supplements which contain L-Arginine will help boost the production of nitric oxide in the body just so that it reaches the right level.

Muscle building supplements can make a big impact in life. You will actually see and feel the difference. Paired with exercise, supplements will help you reach your goals.

Here is the #1 solution for muscle building Supplements just click here now

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

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The Way To Build Muscles - Get The Most Out Of Your Workout And Stop Wasting Your Time

ByMichael R ThomasMichael R Thomas
Level: Basic PLUS

Originally from New York and an expert on relationship therapy.Article Word Count: 330

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