Sunday, November 28, 2010

Six Steps to 6 Pack Abs

1. Do more cardio
The secret to getting visible, i.e. defined, abs is to do more cardio! There is no point having great abdominal muscles if they are covered by a layer of fat. If you want to show off your abs then you need to drop the body fat down to single digit figures. I suggest doing 3-4 sessions of cardio per week in addition to your weights regime. For more information on cardio see the "fat loss" section.
2. Improve your diet
This follows on from point one. To help you get those abs on show you need to repair your diet and start eating clean. If you cut out the junk food and up the protein you will be taking big steps towards getting a 6-pack. It may be worth while trying a fat-burning supplement to really help you melt the fat off. For sample diets see the "fat loss/nutrition plan".
3. Lift bigger weights
Compound exercises (ones that recruit a lot of muscles) i.e. squat, deadlift and bench press are great moves when trying to improve your abs. These exercises torch calories which means, when coupled with a good diet, fat burn!
4. Don't do 100's of sit-ups
Too many people go mental when it comes to working abs. It is a common misconception that to get good abs you need to do hundreds of sit-ups, crunches etc. If you were trying to get bigger arms would you do 100 reps? No! Treat your abs like any other muscle and select exercises where you can only do 10-12 reps. For example, hanging knee raises, weighted crunches, jack-knives are challenging abs moves which are great for torching the abs. To see a great abs workout which I created, check the workouts on the muscle-gain page and select "Abs Blast".
5. Rest
Resting your abs is as important as resting any other muscle group. Do not hit your abs every single workout. Allow at least 48 hours recovery time between each abs workout.
6. Use proper form
Do not let your form go out of the window when doing abs. Use nice, slow, controlled movements and squeeze your abs at the top of each movement.

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