Monday, November 22, 2010

Proper Nutrition Is Essential for Six Pack Abs

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A common thought on trimming that oversized midsection is isolating it with abdominal workouts to target belly fat. Many of us may have believed at one point that endless ab crunches, rigorous weightlifting, or running for hours on the treadmill will remove the undesired spare tire or love handles, only to be disappointed by little-to-no favorable results. What's going on here?

Well, we may have been focusing our primary attention in the wrong area; too much emphasis on the workout, and not enough concern with proper nutrition. "What then," you ask, "should I eat to get the six pack abs I've always wanted?" Here are some valuable pointers for you! First off, with SO MANY dieting strategies out there, it's very easy to feel overwhelmed. Therefore, I will keep the focus on the fundamentals. With even a minimal effort from you, these tips, once put into practice, will start to show you the positive results you want.

Here are some special guidelines for a new, sexy core!

The first tip is NOT to overeat! This seems self-evident, but basically many people have a tendency to eat until they are STUFFED, slowing down the digestive system's ability to recognize just how much food you consumed. It can actually takes up to twenty minutes for your stomach to "catch up!" It takes some discipline, but you just refrain from having that second heaping helping BEFORE you feel full. In doing so, you allow your body to realize that you've actually eaten enough, thereby significantly cutting calories.

The second tip is increased water intake. Fifteen minutes PRIOR to eating, it is an excellent rule of thumb to have one or more full glasses of water. It will literally fill up your stomach more quickly, so you won't feel such a need to fill up on a lot of excess food that your body probably doesn't need. And, of course, no one will argue the overall health benefits of proper hydration and increased fluid intake.

Third tip - BOOST your metabolic rate and BURN more calories by consuming lighter portion sizes MORE frequently during the day. Basically, your body is either a fat-burning, or fat-storing machine - the higher the metabolism, the stronger the machine, and the MORE fat it can burn off! "Three squares" bogs down the machine, while more smaller meals fuels the machine and helps it reach it's full fat-burning capacity.

Obviously exercise is still very important. But tip four REALLY benefits your workout efforts TREMENDOUSLY! Eat less packaged and processed foods, and GO FRESH! This simple tip is probably the most overlooked, and quite possible the MOST IMPORTANT guideline for you to follow for trimming that midsection. Canned and prepackaged food tend to have a TON of preservatives. Keep in mind, though - fresh is not necessarily "raw."

Cooking fresh meats and veggies is certainly okay! But avoid those "ready-made" frozen, boxed, and canned meals whenever possible. They are generally LOADED with preservatives, additives, processed and artificial chemicals. Look at the ingredients sometime. Chances are, if you CAN'T pronounce it... it's probably NOT good for you! I cannot emphasis this point enough - you will shed more body fat, by burning more calories... and you will burn more calories, by consuming healthy, FRESH foods!

More about six pack abs nutrition.

Bryan Carlton is a fitness expert who gives advice to man and women who want to burn fat, build muscle and live a healthier lifestyle. Bryan has lost over 30lbs to become lean and toned, all while keeping genetically high cholesterol at bay. Bryan will share the tips and trick he used to help you reach your goals! Download your FREE copy of "Simple Foods that Burn Fat While You Sleep" at

Please don't forget to check out my website, as you can get a free copy of my book "Simple Foods That Burn Fat While You Sleep".

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