Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Diet for Building Muscle

Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:27Posted in category Diet

What I find quite sad is newbies that come into the gym after the New Year and with their resolution to put on some mass, only to see them disappear after a month. If you watch television’s infomercials for any product that is about muscle growth, you always see someone pumping their muscles up in exercise. If you watch big guys on television, you always see them in the gym. The working out aspect of the process has been so glamorized that most people forget the fact that the diet is far more important. Anyone that you see with huge muscles probably spent more time planning what they eat than what they plan on doing in the gym. I’m going to show you exactly what makes up a good diet for building muscle.

The first step to your diet is getting real and that means eating real food. In today’s society, most of the food you probably eat has been processed to death and it is probably full of chemicals that you don’t understand, let alone have the ability to pronounce. Do you think muscles are built on these chemicals? Of course not, muscles are built on real food. When you’re at the grocery store, try to shop around the outside of the store. This is where you’ll find the least processed foods, but you always have to be watching out for it. You’ll see things like

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Favorite Exercises For Muscle Gains

Monday, November 3, 2008 9:32Posted in category Exercises

A lot of people ask me what exercises I do. They see that I’m a pretty big guy and they hit the gym just as often as I do, so why am I significantly bigger than them? Well, there are a lot of things I do right. I’ve been doing this for quite sometime and when you invest in this process over the years you end up learning a lot about how your body works. If you really don’t understand your body, than you can’t properly push it to the limits. That’s something that comes with time, so no one should hold that against himself or herself.

It’s important to note that all my results come from my ability to control my diet. It doesn’t matter what I do in the gym, my diet always determines the outcome. A change in my diet turns me from a fat burning machine to a muscle-growing beast. Just thought I’d point that out, but I thought it would still be useful here to go through some of the exercises that I consider pretty much my big guns in terms of muscle gain.


Deadlifts are by far my favorite exercise at the gym to do. I don’t exactly like them while I’m doing them, but I love the results that they give me. This is an exercise that is going to really put a huge amount of stress on your body. When you do it, you’re going to be using around 80% of the muscles in your body, so make sure you have a high carbs meal before you come to the gym to do them. Since this is such a significant exercise, I’ll often come to the gym and just do these for the day. They’re tough, but you’ll get amazing results with them.


I remember the first time I learned that I should be doing squats, I often wondered why. I always had big legs, so what exactly was the point to making them bigger. I learned pretty quickly after I started doing them.

Here’s the deal, squats are going to make your legs stronger, but they also have this amazing impact on your entire body. Not only do these exercises help make you grow muscles all over your body, but they also help you produce more testosterone. That’s the vital ingredient for putting on serious mass.

Bench Press

Bench press is about the oldest and most trusted exercise out there to have serious muscle gains. Out of all these great exercises, this is probably the one that the majority of new people will get right. It’s a compound exercise that focuses on those chest muscles. If you want to really get your chest looking like you have some real muscles on you, then this is the exercise you need to start doing.

All these exercises are great because of how powerful they are at overall muscle growth. Most of the other exercises you see people doing at the gym really are insignificant when you compare them to just these three. Make sure these exercises are in your routine and make sure you’re not wasting your energy on those little exercises before you get to these.

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Increasing Your Chances of Bodybuilding Success

Monday, November 3, 2008 11:08Posted in category Routine

I think there are a lot of people out there that know what to do to successfully be a good bodybuilder, yet it never seems to happen for them. I think knowing the knowledge of this sport is extremely important, but it only makes up around 50% of the process. The other 50% is applying it and that can often be the difficult part. It sort of surprises me when I see that people don’t have the skills to make a long-term process like bodybuilding work. I’m not sure what they face in their daily life, but there is bound to be something that you had to do that required long-term consistent behavior. Anyway, I have some very important tips that can help you increase your chances of bodybuilding success.

What I’m going to show you is my two-step process to ensuring that I grow as a bodybuilder. The reason we need this two-step process is due to the fact that when we try something new or go take our life down a new direction, we’ll experience a cyclical type of behavior on our part. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that

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What Stimulates Muscle Growth - Reps, Volume and Rest?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008 10:58Posted in category Routine

I think the thing that annoys me most about the people out there that are first jumping into bodybuilding or just putting on muscle in general is the fact that they all seem to assume the only way to stimulate muscle growth is through

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Monday, December 6, 2010

Surprisingly Simple Exercises for Building Muscle Fast

ByScott MatthewsScott Matthews
Level: Basic PLUS

Scott Matthews is an enthusiast with an interest in the area of self improvement. His goal is to provide information that will help people improve ... Article Word Count: 668

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Finding Good Muscle Building Supplements

ByScott MatthewsScott Matthews
Level: Basic PLUS

Scott Matthews is an enthusiast with an interest in the area of self improvement. His goal is to provide information that will help people improve ... Article Word Count: 686

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How Can I Build Muscle Quickly?

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The question "how can i build muscle quickly" is a very common with beginner bodybuilders. Lucky for you there are many tried and tested answers to this question that guarantee great muscle building results. If you stick to a proven formula and stick to the two primary factors: What to eat and how to workout, you'll be ahead of 90% of the failing bodybuilders out there.

Increase Protein

Protein is one of the most important things things your body needs to build muscle. By working out, you damaging the muscle tissue and you have to give something to your body to repair itself. Protein is what repairs the muscles and makes the muscles stronger and bigger.You must also take into count of the quality of foods to eat. Sorry to say but, no more processed fatty foods must be used in your diet. Also, drink lots of water. if you consume lots of water then you will burn fat and build muscle quickly.

Target the muscle groups - Counter-act workouts

Beginners seem to think that working every body part in one day is going to make them build muscle quickly. You must concentrate on one or two muscle groups a day. If you are working the chest muscles, you should also work the tricep muscles to counter-act with your workout. While building up the chest muscle, you are also building the triceps because while doing the bench press for instance, you are pushing up the weights and this is building muscle in the chest and triceps at the same time. figuring out which muscle groups counter-act with others will make you build muscle quickly and easier with a lot less effort.

Another is the back and biceps, while you work your back you will feel your arms start to get pumped. This is another counter-act workout. Shoulders and triceps is another. Don't do shoulders and back on the same day as these groups do not counter-act with each other and it will take you a lot longer to get the gains you desire.

Remember: We are wanting to quickly build muscle and make it easy for ourselves. Always give the muscle time to heal, after a workout your muscles are tired and need rest for them to grow. If you work the same muscle two days in a row, you are putting too much stress on that muscle and not giving it time to rebuild.

The best way to make sure you are not using the same muscle group everyday, is to do your upper body one day, and your lower body the next.

What is Progressive overload?

Progressive overload is how your body naturally develops muscle by itself. For instance: If you look at athletes, they are all built in different ways. A long distance runner is built in a different way to a sprinter. The long distance runners body wont allow him to build muscle like the sprint because his body needs to be slim for the endurance. A sprinter on the other hand, needs a strong and fast body to make him achieve record times in a race. Both athletes train differently so the bodies develop different muscles. Its the same principle when you are bodybuilding, you don't want to be doing endurance training when you are trying to pack on the mass. Instead of working out at the same weight day in and day out, you increase the weight either daily or weekly to build muscle quickly.

Get a Consistent Workout Schedule and Stick to It!

All beginners feel determined for a while, a few weeks or a few months.But the real results come from consistency, if you re wanting real results then it is vital that you come up with a schedule and stick to it.

If you do all this - Increase protein, counter-act workouts, use progressive overload and do it consistently - then the question to "how can i quickly build muscle" will be answered for you in a short time, as your muscles will grow faster than you can imagine.

If you need more info on how to build muscle. Visit our site as we will be updating it with workout programmes, exercise routines, we will tell you what foods you should be eating and which foods to avoid. Good luck, start training today!

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weight Lifting Workouts - Protein Primer

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As most of us actively engaging in weight lifting workouts already understand, proteins, whether from plants or animals, are broken down by the body into amino acids which are then used to form our cells, tissues, and most importantly for weight lifting, your muscle fibers. In developed nations, it is almost impossible to get too little protein. Currently, the RDA for protein in healthy adults is 0.8 g/kg body weight per day, however, it is typically recommended that individuals engaging in a strenuous strength training program consume somewhere between 1.6 and 2.0 g/kg of body weight.

There are many lean protein choice out there for weight lifters, including both animal and plant sources. Good vegetarian sources of protein include beans, grains such as quinoa, eggs, seeds such as hemp seeds, and even leafy green vegetables; they can give substantial amounts of protein when eaten in high enough amounts. Particularly suitable meat choices for weight lifting include chicken breast, tuna, salmon, and lean beef.

One of the most important protein considerations for active individuals, especially those participating in weight lifting workouts, is the timing of protein consumption. In the morning, after your body has been fasting for several hours, it is important to consume an easily digestible protein such as a whey protein shake to balance your amino acid profiles in your bloodstream. Subsequently, throughout the day, you should focus on consuming small, protein and nutrient rich meals every two hours or so to maintain consistent metabolism and nutrient levels.

The most important time to evaluate your protein intake for weight training is immediately after your workout. Your body is particularly receptive to protein consumption during the first hour after intense physical training. Therefore, you should attempt to follow your training relatively quickly with another easily digestible form of protein, such as a shake, then proceed on to your protein-rich next meal within two hours.

By following a few simple protein guidelines, you'll be able to consistently gain lean muscle mass from your weight lifting workouts.

J. N. Johnson has been passionately involved in health, fitness, and competitive athletics for 25 years. He believes that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are life altering and enjoys helping other men find ways to improve health, build confidence, and enhance their quality of life through better fitness and nutrition.

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Stop Wasting Your Time In The Gym - Don't Work Out Again Unless You Are Using Nitric Oxide

ByMichael R ThomasMichael R Thomas
Level: Basic PLUS

Originally from New York and an expert on relationship therapy.Article Word Count: 285

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Three Embarrassing Problems You May Encounter At The Gym

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If you're not an experienced member at the gym or new to working out, you may run into some difficulties. An embarrassing problem can be anything from injuring yourself to making big mistakes which causes a scene. Many people at the gym care about their "image" and how tough they look. If you are embarrassing then you can get many looks and it won't be a good workout. Here are three problems you may run into and will want to avoid:

Not stretching can lead to injuries.

Stretching is a priority before anyone works out. Whether you are working your upper body, lower body, or even doing cardio. Stretching helps prevent injuries, helps you warm up, etc. If you don't stretch you will run into problems, it's not healthy to just jump into a workout.

Know your limits.

It can be embarrassing and dangerous to not know your limits when it comes to weight and reps, especially when you are dealing with a lot of weight. Let's use the bench press for an example. If you have never done this, start small and work your way up. Don't throw on a couple big weight plates and get right to it, because this could lead to dropping one heck of a lot of weight on your face, which is a serious injury and it embarrassing at the same time.

Have a routine.

It's impossible to get a good workout without knowing what you're doing. It is pretty embarrassing walking around having no idea where to start and what to do next. Research your workouts and know what you need. Hiring a personal trainer temporarily is an option but can be very expensive and by doing the right research you can dodge having to pay someone $80/hour to show you how to do something that is already available to you to see.

Pay close attention here-

Take a few minutes to read the next page and you'll learn how to be build muscle and have the body you've always wanted. I urge you to read everything on the next page right now - Click here

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Is BS NO Xplode Safe For Young Teenagers?

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Simplify Your Rockhard Abs!

ByScott MatthewsScott Matthews
Level: Basic PLUS

Scott Matthews is an enthusiast with an interest in the area of self improvement. His goal is to provide information that will help people improve ... Article Word Count: 654

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The Best Way to Get Rid of Fat and Gain Lean Muscle

Andy Ca
Level: Basic

Andy is the author of How To Get Muscles Now, and Use The Forgotten Laws. He writes engaging and unique content on subjects including health ... Article Word Count: 570

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Should You Workout At Home Or The Gym?

BySimon R PhilipsSimon R Philips
Level: Basic

I used to be a skinny guy and I absolutely hated my body, I tried all sorts of different workouts and routines but most were ... Article Word Count: 396

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Foods That Help You Get Ripped

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To get ripped, you need to build muscle and lose fat. It's possible that you already have some muscle, but it's simply not showing through.

Lowering your percentage of body fat will reveal the muscle you already have. Having the right diet will give you most of your fat loss.

Insulin is released when you eat carbohydrates. With insulin, your body will be able to absorb amino acids and glycogen into the muscles. However, extra calories will also be stored as fat. As insulin is released into your body, somatostatin is also sent out. Your body will not be able to make HGH with this in your system.

Human Growth Hormone is what is known as HGH. Burning fat and gaining muscle partially depends on HGH. If you eat carbs prior to your workout or after it, the work you are doing to lose fat will not be effective. As explained previously, eating carbs will make your body produce somatostatin, which prevents HGH production and also releases insulin.

The best will not feature any carbohydrates, or very little. As you stop your carb intake, your body will start using fat as energy. Hormones will be released into your body, working to break down fat that you already have to be converted into energy. Ketosis is the name for this process, and that is what leads to incredible fat loss.

There are a lot of people who whine about not having a lot of energy after cutting out carbs. This is because they're not eating enough calories after cutting out the carbs. There are other ways to take in calories without carbs. High fat foots will actually help you do this.

The best have a lot of fat and protein, but not many carbs. These foods can include pork, beef, and other kinds of red meat. You can also use eggs, fish, and chicken for this purpose.

Raw eggs are are great, if you're worried about the taste and texture, mix it into a smoothie or protein shake. This way, you won't even notice that the eggs are there. Compared to cooked eggs, it is far healthier for you to eat raw eggs.

You should also maintain your health with vegetables that are rich in nutrients. You should have lots of mushrooms, green beans, celery, and the like. However, try to skip over potatoes, as it contains carbs in the form of starch.

Lastly, you should eat carbs one day a week, this helps the recovery of your muscles from lifting weights. This way, your glycogen reserves will be adequately restored. Do this on a day where you're not working out.

If you enjoyed this article. Check out my blog for more articles on building muscle and losing fat. To visit my blog, click here ----

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How To Workout The Pecs: A Workout Routine To Build Chest Muscles

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Guys are always focused on finding ways to build their chest muscles and are looking for the best ways to workout the pecs to achieve massive gains. By simply following a well structured program and a few simple tips the gains you will make for your chest program will be impressive.

For guys, having a muscular chest is very important and a way to show results from the countless hours spent in the gym. However, it is important to understand that there is a wrong way to workout the pecs and there is a right way.

The wrong way to work out:

Not allowing enough rest for the muscles to recover is a common mistake amongst people who are trying to gain muscle. For example, doing the same workout on back-to-back days or every other day. Allow more rest days in between for a body part.Not lifting heavy weight and staying in the high rep range is also a common mistake that is made. One common assumption is that doing more reps will build bigger muscle when in reality the opposite is true.

The right way to work out:

Workout the chest no more than two times a week, allowing two to three days rest between workouts. I would actually recommend working on chest only once a week if you are trying to gain mass.Do low repetitions when lifting. The key here is to lifting a heavy weight that will allow you to complete six to eight repetitions. If you are able to complete more than eight repetitions then increase the weight.

The best way to develop an effective chest development routine is to work on every angle of the chest. In order to get the best results you have to work on the upper chest, middle, and lower chest.

Here is an excellent chest workout you can do today:

Decline barbell press: use a decline bench and slowly lower the weight close to your chest and press the weight up.Dips: Using a dip machine this is an exercise using your body weight. Lower your body until the upper arm is parallel to the floor. Perform this in a controlled motion. To get the best out of this exercise for your chest tuck your chin to your chest so the chin touches the upper chest. This will involve the chest more than the triceps.Incline barbell press: use an incline bench angled at 30 to 45 degrees when performing this chest movement. Slowly lower the weight and press up.Barbell bench press: Perform this classic movement that targets the entire chest using a controlled motion.Dumbbell or Cable Fly's: perform this as the last exercise in the sequence. When bringing the weight together simply imagine hugging a tree.

Perform four sets of each exercise and six to eight repetitions per set. For the fly's do ten repetitions per set. Feel free to change the order of these exercises and try using dumbbells to switch it up. However, try this same sequence to workout the pecs and you will be surprised with your results.

If you are tired of not getting the results you want and you want to gain muscle, lose fat and want to learn workout routines to build muscle then go to

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Only Hardgainer Workout With Proven Results

Frank Crimson
Level: Platinum

Having personally overcome numerous health obstacles over the years, Frank Crimson is a true health and fitness expert.Article Word Count: 328

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A Cool Tactic To Build Lean Muscle Fast

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The movie stars have it, some guys at the beach have it, and you want it.

Having a lean body isn't just about sex appeal either. It gives you a sense of accomplishment and confidence, one that can only be earned.

In order to build a lean body, most sources will tell you that you need to work out as many times a week as possible, eat and drink special foods, oh and buy some special pills that will transform your body.

I'm calling these people out right now, they are all lying to you.

In this article I'm going to show you .

It's easy to do, you can start doing it tonight if you want, and it produces really quick results.

But before I tell it to you, I'm going to share another little tip for you.

If you want to gain muscle fast, you don't need to buy supplements. In fact, if you've tried to gain muscle and have failed, don't worry about it, a lot of people have this problem. It's not your fault and it certainly isn't theirs either. There is a lot of misinformation out there.

My tip to you? Next time you see a huge supplement ad, ignore it, sure some supplements work, but none are required at all. Save your money for better things.

Alright, so now that I've gone over that, are you ready for my tip? The one that'll show you how to gain lean muscle fast.

Start sprinting, start running sprints five times a week.

Sprinting causes you to shed fat and retain muscle, which gives you that lean movie star look that everyone wants. It'll help you gain muscle while you shed those pounds of fat.

Still want more proof? Just look at sprinters, compare them to cross country runners. Cardio has it's place, but when you want a lean muscular look, you need to sprint, instead of training like a marathon runner.

Want To Learn More Ways To Build Muscle Fast?

If you want more specific help, want a good routine to follow, or heck, just want to learn all you need to know about building muscle, check out my free videos at my website on how to Build Muscle Fast.

Want to be building mass amounts of muscle in the next few weeks? Click on to my website at!

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This Little Trick Will Make You Burn Fat And Build Muscle

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Want a cool little trick that'll make you burn fat and gain muscle?

Best of all, you won't have to buy a bunch of expensive supplements to do it. It's easy, fast, you can start doing it tomorrow (or tonight) and you'll see amazing results with in weeks. Most of the big name guys do it, but most people I talk to simply don't know about it.

But before I tell you, I want to give you another tip, and it's an extremely good one. If you haven't been seeing good results from the gym so far don't worry about it. Why? It's not your fault, there is a ton of misinformation out there.

You see, a lot of people don't want to see you burn fat and gain muscle. They want you to buy their latest supplement products. They don't care about your results, they just want more people purchasing more products.

So here's my first little tip, save your money, quit buying these supplements. You don't need them, what you need is good information and a good work ethic.

Which brings me back to my original little trick that will help you burn fat and gain muscle.

If you want to keep muscle mass, while cutting fat, start sprinting.

Forget all of that cardio stuff (although it is great for the lungs) and start sprinting, this causes your body to shed fat and keep that muscle you've been working for. Don't believe me? Take a look at sprinting athletes, now take a look at long distance runners, there is a difference in their body shape.

This single tactic took me from looking like a slightly fat kid, to a great looking guy. Give it a shot, the results speak for themselves.

Want To Learn More Ways To Build Muscle Fast?

If you want more specific help, want a good routine to follow, or heck, just want to learn all you need to know about building muscle, check out my free videos at my website on how to Build Muscle Fast.

Want to be building mass amounts of muscle in the next few weeks? Click on to my website at!

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Best Basic Weights Exercise For Beginners

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When you look at yourself in the mirror, what do you see?

Going to the gym can mean different things to different people. For some it is a chance to relax and do a bit of jogging or some cycling in the comfort of a heated room, with a water cooler and a nice shower afterwards. Some people use it as a chance to meet like minded people and possibly meet someone who cares about their physique and appearance as much as you. Certain people like footballers and fitness instructors need to use the gym for their job, either working on their own stamina or helping someone else to lose weight or to gain muscle.

The weights section of a gym often seems like a special club where you need to know the etiquette or even the password to get in even to begin learning how to use some of the obscure torturous looking machines. If you want to get involved here is one of the easiest and best exercises you can start with.

The Dumb Bell Press

You know the classic look of someone lying down, pushing a bar with weights on up and down. You can do that too without having to buy dumbbells yourself! First, don't put any weight on the bar. Then sit down with your back to the bar and lie back until your face is directly below the bar, make sure you are comfortable. Grip the bar in front of you with your hands slightly further apart than your shoulders. Lift the bar off its rests and hold it with your arms vertical. Bring the bar straight down to within a few inches of your chest while breathing in slowly. Ensure your elbows go down and not out the way. Next push up in one fluid motion while breathing out. Replace the bar on the rests. Done. Now, when you get used to this weight lifting equipment, start adding small amounts of weight to the bar, but only ever add tiny amounts at a time. This will work your main pectoral muscles, your triceps and get you in shape for maybe even getting some boxing equipment!

When you are comfortable with this exercise, it is a good idea to start doing a variation of the same exercise in order to hit every part of your pectorals. By inclining the bench so your head is first, above your feet and then below your feet you can work the upper pectorals (inclines) and the lower pectorals (declines). Balance can be tricky here so make sure you have a spotter.

Sam Qam is an Olympic level weight lifter. When he has to buy dumbbells he usually selects the heaviest ones. In his spare time Sam Qam will grab his boxing equipment and jumps in the ring for a few rounds.

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Your Secret to a Model Body Workout

Chris Cannon
Level: Platinum

Chris Cannon is founder of the Free Muscle Building Tips website where you can learn how to build muscle fast and easy.Article Word Count: 459

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You Don't Have To Be Skinny Anymore - You Must Do This If You Are Serious About Putting On Weight

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Going through life being skinny is just as bad as someone who goes through it over weight. Might not seem like it to most people, but ask anyone who has grown up being called a "twig" and they'll tell you differently. Gaining weight can be very difficult for some no matter what they do. There is something very specific that you need to do if you want to be successful that you will find toward the end of this article, but first, here are a few tips.

What you need to do is really push yourself to lift as heavy of a weight as you can. Instead of doing multiple repetitions with lighter weights, work on doing only a few repetitions with heavier weights. As you will be working hard, and getting to the point of exhaustion, always work with a spotter for safety reasons.

How to gain weight for skinny guys isn't just about exercise though. As mentioned, the other part of the game plan is eating right. But just picking things that you think are "right" can do you a lot more harm than it will good. For this you must make sure you follow a proper meal plan.

While the above part about working out with heavier weights is a "standard" approach, even that can leave a lot of the desired results on the table. The key to putting on pounds if you are skinny is following in the footsteps of someone who has gone through the same struggles that you have. There is nothing more motivating and inspiring than looking at someone who "made" it to their goals and is now willing to show you how to do the same.

Due to the way the workout programs are created, wouldn't it be smart to follow along with someone who accomplished what it is you are looking to do? Makes sense if you think about it and is truly something that you must do if you want to ever add the muscle and pounds you are looking for.

Here's the thing, you don't have to continue to be skinny! You can end the name calling and build confidence in the way you look just by doing what someone in your shoes has already done.

To see a proven blueprint on how a naturally thin person can make the changes they want and finally put on some weight, Click Here.

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