Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Diet for Building Muscle

Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:27Posted in category Diet

What I find quite sad is newbies that come into the gym after the New Year and with their resolution to put on some mass, only to see them disappear after a month. If you watch television’s infomercials for any product that is about muscle growth, you always see someone pumping their muscles up in exercise. If you watch big guys on television, you always see them in the gym. The working out aspect of the process has been so glamorized that most people forget the fact that the diet is far more important. Anyone that you see with huge muscles probably spent more time planning what they eat than what they plan on doing in the gym. I’m going to show you exactly what makes up a good diet for building muscle.

The first step to your diet is getting real and that means eating real food. In today’s society, most of the food you probably eat has been processed to death and it is probably full of chemicals that you don’t understand, let alone have the ability to pronounce. Do you think muscles are built on these chemicals? Of course not, muscles are built on real food. When you’re at the grocery store, try to shop around the outside of the store. This is where you’ll find the least processed foods, but you always have to be watching out for it. You’ll see things like

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