Monday, December 6, 2010

How Can I Build Muscle Quickly?

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The question "how can i build muscle quickly" is a very common with beginner bodybuilders. Lucky for you there are many tried and tested answers to this question that guarantee great muscle building results. If you stick to a proven formula and stick to the two primary factors: What to eat and how to workout, you'll be ahead of 90% of the failing bodybuilders out there.

Increase Protein

Protein is one of the most important things things your body needs to build muscle. By working out, you damaging the muscle tissue and you have to give something to your body to repair itself. Protein is what repairs the muscles and makes the muscles stronger and bigger.You must also take into count of the quality of foods to eat. Sorry to say but, no more processed fatty foods must be used in your diet. Also, drink lots of water. if you consume lots of water then you will burn fat and build muscle quickly.

Target the muscle groups - Counter-act workouts

Beginners seem to think that working every body part in one day is going to make them build muscle quickly. You must concentrate on one or two muscle groups a day. If you are working the chest muscles, you should also work the tricep muscles to counter-act with your workout. While building up the chest muscle, you are also building the triceps because while doing the bench press for instance, you are pushing up the weights and this is building muscle in the chest and triceps at the same time. figuring out which muscle groups counter-act with others will make you build muscle quickly and easier with a lot less effort.

Another is the back and biceps, while you work your back you will feel your arms start to get pumped. This is another counter-act workout. Shoulders and triceps is another. Don't do shoulders and back on the same day as these groups do not counter-act with each other and it will take you a lot longer to get the gains you desire.

Remember: We are wanting to quickly build muscle and make it easy for ourselves. Always give the muscle time to heal, after a workout your muscles are tired and need rest for them to grow. If you work the same muscle two days in a row, you are putting too much stress on that muscle and not giving it time to rebuild.

The best way to make sure you are not using the same muscle group everyday, is to do your upper body one day, and your lower body the next.

What is Progressive overload?

Progressive overload is how your body naturally develops muscle by itself. For instance: If you look at athletes, they are all built in different ways. A long distance runner is built in a different way to a sprinter. The long distance runners body wont allow him to build muscle like the sprint because his body needs to be slim for the endurance. A sprinter on the other hand, needs a strong and fast body to make him achieve record times in a race. Both athletes train differently so the bodies develop different muscles. Its the same principle when you are bodybuilding, you don't want to be doing endurance training when you are trying to pack on the mass. Instead of working out at the same weight day in and day out, you increase the weight either daily or weekly to build muscle quickly.

Get a Consistent Workout Schedule and Stick to It!

All beginners feel determined for a while, a few weeks or a few months.But the real results come from consistency, if you re wanting real results then it is vital that you come up with a schedule and stick to it.

If you do all this - Increase protein, counter-act workouts, use progressive overload and do it consistently - then the question to "how can i quickly build muscle" will be answered for you in a short time, as your muscles will grow faster than you can imagine.

If you need more info on how to build muscle. Visit our site as we will be updating it with workout programmes, exercise routines, we will tell you what foods you should be eating and which foods to avoid. Good luck, start training today!

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